Nature Photography
While I am fascinated by many genres of photography, nature photography is what I truly love. It’s what I do in my free time anyways.
From an artistic perspective, I find much to appreciate about nature photography. While there is order to nature, that order is hidden to our eyes; a secret between the flora and fauna. What we see, instead, is what appears to be chaos. And yet, if you look at it a certain way, it begins to take shape. It all somehow starts to make sense. There is always balance if you can just find the right perspective.
I feel that there’s something tremendously profound about that. And yet, it’s a wisdom that I can’t quite wrap my mind around, but it gives me comfort, nonetheless.
I find this truth most evident in the finer details of nature.
When most people think of nature photography, they think of mountains and waterfalls. Basically, they think of landscape photography. There’s much more to nature than just these majestic vistas, however.
Vincent Van Gogh once wrote: “If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.”
The essence of this quote has always been a mantra of mine. Only somewhat recently was I actually made aware of Van Gogh’s line that sums it up so nicely.
In the ‘Midwest’ (USA), we don’t have mountains. We do have some waterfalls, but they’re rather modest in scope compared to most of what you’ll find on the popular pages of Instagram or Pinterest. Nevertheless, the scenery is beautiful in its own way.
Part of me considers it a ‘challenge’ to shoot nature photography where I live, but truthfully I know there’s nothing all that challenging about it. I never have to look far to find something worthy of a picture.
Ultimately, I hope this site will inspire more folks to go out and enjoy the beautiful details of a natural scene, no matter where that scene may be.
More people in nature means more people that care about nature, which (hopefully) means more initiatives and legislation that will repair and protect the natural world.
Maybe we can still save this planet - our home - after all.
Thank you for reading.